Thursday, March 26, 2009

HO HUM the UMNO Elections

A very appropriate video clip in conjunction with the announcement of the results.


Khairul Nizar said...

Sedihnya dengar lagu ini mengenangkan nasib bangsa sendiri...

ummi said...

Apa nak buat bro...orang melayu are cheap

mekyam said...


saya tak terperanjat sangat, cuma kecewa sikit.

sikit jer, sbb saya rasa ini hanya "pyrrhic victory" - kejayaan yg akan membawa kelingkupan.

ummi said...

Oh dear Sis..I want to infuse my blog with positivity and love..but this just devastated do i not live in fear now..what is to happen to our beloved country..the country God endowed with so much natural resources for the prosperity of the creatures who live on its soil, in its soil and waters...entah la...need to try and stand back from all these and search for the silver lining yet again...

mekyam said...


the silver lining is there. it's always is. just a question of switching perspectives.

in the long run, an individual's responsibility towards the big picture is not to let, as far as possible, his own spot disharmonizes the sum total. maybe that's all anyone can do, take care of our own bits.

that said, when the PM stalled last november, surely many suspected why.

to borrow from tolkien's famous lines...

four months to cover all tracks, four months to keep his people in the stacks, four months a spanner in the works put, and in the chaos all his wrongdoings to become moot.

ah well, let's pray for the best for our country. insyaAllah!