The clock struck 11 again. The hour of bliss. He will be here soon. He is always on the dot, plus or minus two minutes. This is the hour she looks forward to every single day seven days a week, there's no holiday, no weekends, no annual leave, except for the times when he had to go away, out of state or out of the country. But even so he will call without fail and they will spend at least a few minutes to renew their vows and their love for one another. Just a few minutes to revitalise the very rare innate connection which they felt only they had.
The first time they met, they could almost pre-empt what the other was going to say. She could sense his sadness even if he was laughing boisterously pretending that everything was fly and he too could do the same. When she thought of him, within seconds he would call and they would chat about absolutely nothing for hours. In fact, whenever she was down or upset, that was the exact time he would call and the sun would peak through the clouds again and everything would turn around and be well again. She would know he was out of town, even before he told her.
11 was an implied agreement between them. No express promises were made, he would just be there rain or shine. Every time he sent her home after their rendezvous, the moment the car turned the corner near her home, she felt a deep sinking in her heart. She never spoke a word about it, neither did she plan to. But one night the words just bubbled out of her lips..”Every time we reach this corner, I feel really sad,” she said, looking out the car window, not daring to look at him. She felt like tearing her tongue and lips apart for betraying her.. " too," came the almost unintelligible reply...she dared herself to turn and look at him. And when their eyes met, their implied agreement was signed in blood. She wanted to just crumble into his arms, but that was totally unacceptable. So she braced herself until they reached her home. Before she melted, she said a hurried thank you for the lovely drink and ran off into her house.
From that moment on, every day at 11 pm he would be there to spend time with her. They would take a ride through town, go for drinks and sit in their crib for a chat. That was the time when they could be themselves, she was his sounding board, a place he could just bare open his problems and cry if he wanted to. He knew she would understand and sometimes she would even have the answers. She also could do the same. It was their time, in their little bubble, when the whole world was a distant dream.. they cried they laughed and acted stupid together ..those few hours every single day. 11pm gave them a reason to go through the entire day just to taste the bliss of the hour...11 pm washed their souls from the pains of the day’s reality. 11pm got them ready to face the next day with renewed dreams.. and tonight, just like every other night..she waits for her 11 pm.. all made up and ready to greet him...
“Hello auntie...are you ready? Oh you look beautiful tonight"
“He’s almost I look alright?” she smiled at the nurse who helped her up from the couch and handed her walking frame.
"You look lovely, Auntie."
“Come let’s brush your hair..make it nice and shiny.?" The nurse said kindly, as she ran the comb through her thinning hair which was almost all white now.
The nurse helped put her feet up and pulled the blanket over her sometimes gets chilly at night, even if the summer days are scorching..."If I fall asleep, please wake me up when he arrives, ok?"
“Sure auntie..good night”
“Goodnight. Dear..I never told anyone that I love him and always will...”
The nurse smiled turned off the lights.
She sighed...That completed her ritual in room 104.
And she braced herself for the ritual in the next lonely room of the Nursing Home for the Aged.
I find this very touching. It suits the prompt well.
end of the world for me
it is sad,, but then again not so far off from the reality of what it is to be old,, with nothing left but memories to sustain you.....
Love so strong that it can transcend the bounds of the physical plane. I have no doubt that he did indeed come to her on the dot of 11.
Thank you gautami, paisley and robin for visiting,
when I wrote this, I was thinking that as time went by, 'he' eventually became less and less punctual, and eventually missed a few days and finally stopped coming at all. Shows the little faith I have in men hehe...of course she carried on loving him, and when her memory became selective she chose only to remember the good parts..
oh, this was lovely...very sweet and tender.
very touching.. I loved it.
The Journey Home
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