Monday, November 09, 2009

Nostalgic gratitude

I chanced upon this video on youtube and it brought back hodge podge of unhappy memories, helplessness, laced with hope, and love and the chance of a new beginning for me. You know how a certain song can just raise your spirits and lend wings to your feet, and make your heart swell to move forward. When I thought I had nothing left, and I just didn't know how to move forward, this song gave me all the hope that I needed. Convinced me that I am loved and not forgotten. And that everything is going to be just swell. It seems like everything is looking pretty bright now ..

I did a very rough translation on the words. Would just like to share it with you.
Enjoy the golden voice of this wonderful woman..

Every day I ask
That you always
Grant me serenity
Strength in my heart
To face all
adversities ever so challenging
Surely, there is meaning to all these

You give me hope
Answer all my questions
Face everything with tranquility
And a deep sense of gratitude
I pray that you always
Watch all my moves
Bless me...i need your grace

Oh God, light up my heart, my soul
to face everything
This adversity filled life
Oh God, I surrender everything to You
So that my soul is at peace
In your guidance, always

There were times when I feel
This life is as fragile as glass
Without patience
Will be broken to smithereens
Strengthen my heart
To go through all, oh
Strengthen me, make me steadfast

1 comment:

Lisa said...

hear, hear, I am so with you.